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Help With Requirements 2025

General information

There are multiple offerings of this training in 2025. Please indicate which session your team is applying for. You can also indicate a 2nd and 3rd choice. Please only mark sessions that your team would be able to attend. If your preferred session reaches capacity, you will be considered for any other sessions marked.

How do I fulfill the Team requirement?

Applicants should be in teams of two (maximum 3) from each agency. Multiple applicants from the same agency are included on the same application. Each applicant will submit their own video and verification of facilitator training. Multiple applicants that work for the same agency can be included on one Agency CEO approval letter.

Teams can also be comprised of participants who work for different agencies but collaborate for the purpose of T4C training. In this situation, submit separate applications and put the names of all team members in the “feedback” section at the bottom of the application.

How do I provide my Agency's CEO Approval Letter?

Download the template letter: T4C-CEO-Letter.docx
Fill in the placeholder information such as (Applicant Name) and (Agency Name). Print the completed letter on Agency Letterhead. Have your Agency's CEO review, approve and sign the letter. Navigate to the T4C Training for Trainers 2025 Application Form and upload the completed form where it says (upload CEO Approval Letter)

Tip: Use a traditional scanner or a scanner app on your smartphone. If it is inconvenient to scan your signed document to a computer for upload, lay it flat on a table and take a picture of it with your smart phone. Then email it to yourself so you can continue the application. Make sure the image is sharp and readable.

How do I provide a 5 minute video of me facilitating a class?

If you do not have an existing video, use a smartphone to record a 5 minute video. Please be sure to lower your video resolution. Don't record higher than HD 720p. VGA 640 x 480 pixels is best. iPhones will upload an appropriate resolution automatically. For Android users, go to your video camera settings and manually change the resolution. Here is a link, (Youtube tutorial) for Samsung Galaxy users. After you record your video, navigate to the T4C Training for Trainers 2025 Application Form and upload the video right from your device.

Your video can be of a simulated class with a few of your coworkers acting as group participants. Please choose a lesson and activity that showcases your knowledge and delivery and facilitation skills. (Follow the manual!)

If you have an existing video but it's more than 10 minutes, or in a format not supported by the website, contact Rex Barkdoll. or 202-514-0117 (9am to 5pm Eastern Time). The website supports most modern formats and up to 512MB in size. It is advised to be on WIFI when you upload to our site. Note: Videos will be deleted following the selection process.

OR if your video file is larger than 512mb, please create a DropBox account at and add your video to the DropBox folder (up to 2gb for free accounts). Right click the file and select "Share Dropbox Link" Place your cursor in the "Video Link" field and paste the link from your clipboard into this form field. This will allow us to view your video.

Who can I contact for help?

For technical assistance with uploading your documents or video please email Rex Barkdoll. or 202-514-0117 (9am to 5pm Eastern Time).

For questions regarding the Training or Requirements please email